
Cubs is the next step into the Scouting World

Cubs participate in a balanced programme. During the two and a half years in Cubs, youngsters are able to achieve several activity badges, including staged badges to the next level if level I was gained whilst a Beaver. The ultimate goal is to achieve the Chief Scouts Silver Award – for Cubs who attend regularly and complete things at home and even at school this is achievable, but nevertheless hard work.

Cubs are aged between 8 and 10½ years, at 10½ they automatically transfer to the Scout section who are aged between 10½ and 14.

Island Cubs Scout Activities include camping, water activities, tug of war competition, 6-a-side indoor football competition, carol service or similar activity, night hike, Herm trip to name but a few. These do not all happen every year, but change to keep the youngsters interested in the activities.

  • Leader: Juliet Carre

  • Meeting Nights: Tuesday

  • Meeting Times: 6.30 pm to 8.00pm

About the 2nd Guernsey Cub Scout Pack

Our weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays from 6.30 pm to 8.00pm at our purpose built headquarters at the Wayfarer Centre in the Rue de Haut, Vale. We currently have three uniformed leaders and a ‘scout helper’. The number of leaders looks very impressive, and we are thankful that they are able to attend weekly, however when sickness strikes or a holiday is required it puts pressure on the remaining numbers. If any parent is able to give of their time, even as an all important ‘helper’, please speak to one of the leaders.

No two Pack meetings are ever exactly the same. We try to be outside as much as possible - but that's harder in the winter when it's dark and cold!

In the past year, our Cubs have made pancakes, lit fires (and cooked on them!), been hiking and tracking, rock climbing, learnt some basic first aid, got into a real tangle learning new knots, undertaken various challenges, visited the Airport Fire Station, played new games and had loads of fun - and that's just on a Tuesday night!

As well as Pack Nights, we go camping or have sleepovers two or three times each year and try to have a hike each term and there are other days out and activities with the rest of the Group or the other Cubs in Guernsey.

Cub Scout Uniform

The Cub Scout uniform is available from the Scout Shop at Rue Mainguy (opening time - Term time: Saturday 9:30am – 12.30pm). The pale blue 2nd Guernsey T-shirts and the 2nd Guernsey Navy Sweat Shirt are compulsory for camping and form this sections ‘summer uniform’ together with a pair of shorts and trainers. These two items are available from the leaders (please do not buy the Cub Scout t-shirt from the Scout Shop). Trainers can be worn at weekly meetings or at other social activities. School shoes should be worn on formal occasions.

Church Parade

Church Parade forms part of the Cub Scout Programme, ‘duty to God is part of the promise made when invested (enrolled) into the pack. Church Parade is held on the first Sunday of every month (except January, August and September) at Capelles Methodist Church. All sections meet in the “Rocher Room” at the Community Centre then parade into the Church meeting at 10.15am and can be collected at 11.30am unless otherwise advised. Parents are welcome to stay for the service and join us for tea or coffee afterwards. Full correct Cub Scout uniform and shoes should be worn. On these occasions one Cub Scout is chosen to carry and present the flag to the Minister in Church. Occasionally after the service a short “going up” ceremony is held - this is when Beavers, Cub Scouts and Scouts move up to the next section. The ceremony generally lasts about ten minutes and parents are always welcome to attend the ceremony.