
Beavers is the first step into the Scouting World

Beavers have launched a new programme so that Beavers throughout the Island and the UK will be doing similar activities and can achieve badges during their two year stay at Beavers.

Beavers are aged between 6 and 8½ years, at 8½ they automatically link into Cubs who are aged between 8½ and 10½.

Beavers have four or five activities a year with other Beaver colonies - united Beaver activities - (e.g. sports day, fun day, activity day, Christmas carol service and party and sometimes an annual outing). On these occasions all Beaver colonies join together.

  • Leader: Ben Moore

  • Meeting Nights: Monday

  • Meeting Times: 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm

About the 2nd Guernsey Beaver Colony

Our weekly meetings are held on Mondays from 6pm to 7.30pm at our purpose built headquarters at the Wayfarer Centre in Rue de Haut, Vale.

We request one parent to help each week, this is essential for insurance cover purposes and also for the successful running of the meeting. We do not ask the parents to do anything too difficult, generally to look out for mischief and well behaved, helpful Beavers; assemble tables; help with projects, spelling; tidy up project tables and, of course, offer suggestions!

Attendance of the weekly meetings is encouraged and expected to be regular so that projects for badges and certificates can be completed on time.

Beaver Uniform

The Beaver uniform is available from the Scout Shop at Rue Mainguy (opening time - Term time: Saturday 9:30am – 12.30pm). 2nd Guernsey T-shirts (compulsory) are available from the leaders (please do not buy the Beaver t-shirt from the Scout Shop). Trainers can be worn at weekly meetings or at other social activities. Shoes should be worn on formal occasions. Shorts may be worn in the summer months.

Church Parade

Church Parade forms part of the Beaver Programme: this is held from 10.15am until 11.30am on the first Sunday of every month (except January, August and September) at Capelles Methodist Church, unless otherwise advised. Full correct Beaver uniform and shoes should be worn. All sections meet at the Community Centre then proceed into the Church. On these occasions one Beaver is chosen to carry and present the flag to the Minister in Church (a proud moment for Beavers). Occasionally after the service a short “going up” ceremony is held - this is when Beavers move up to Cubs; Cubs to Scouts. The ceremony generally lasts about ten minutes and parents are always welcome to attend both the Church service and the ceremony. It is always satisfying to see the boys passing officially from one group to another.